Surviving Valentines Day #Single

As the national holiday of love approaches, it seems as though more and more singles are outwardly "advertising" their best qualities onto dating websites and social media. I recently had a close friend disclose to me, "I just want a boyfriend, I've been single way too long." As much as I wanted to be on her side and encourage her ~thirsty~ behaviors, it kind of bothered me. When did relationships become so mainstream and public that when single, girls feel out of place/unwanted? Why has the title become more important than the relationship itself? These are the things keeping me up at night... sike lol, catch me in bed at 9 PM! But in all seriousness, what I do know is that women deserve more than what they're selling themselves for. Lowering your standards to simply claim that you're in a relationship is quite sad, and anyways, you're better than that! So chins up girls, here are a few tips & tricks on how to make the most out of your Valentines Day as a #singlelady this year. I mean, take it from me, I've been celebrating this way for the past 18 years 😊.

1. It's more cost effective!
Just think of all the money you could be saving (or spending on yourself) this Valentines Day! According to the National Retail Foundation, the average person spends approximately $142 on special gifts for their significant other. Rather than splurging on expensive jewelry, flowers, and chocolates, why not pocket that money for a more permanent purchase? Anyways, Valentine's Day is mostly a commercial occasion - a chance for stores to drive their prices up one last time before the holiday season ends.

2. Give the gift of self-love.
Since the day is entirely dedicated to love, why not show yourself some appreciation? In today's society, it's quite often frowned upon to openly voice something you feel proud of without being labeled as "selfish", "conceited", or "cocky". There's a BIG difference between being confident and being arrogant. This Vday, look in the mirror and point out three things that you find beautiful. Treat yourself to a new sweater, or a delicious Starbucks drink after a long day. Go get your nails done, take a bubble bath, buy yourself some flowers. There are different forms of love, and this one is often overlooked!

3. Galentine's Day is a thing, too.
You've got some single girlfriends in the same boat as you? No problem. Gather together for a girl's night in (or out) and celebrate one of the most important things in life: friendship. Eat some chocolates, play games, tell each other what makes the other so special, and best of all, spread some lady positivity! After all, boyfriends come and go, but best friends will always be there.

4. Discounts the day after.
Chocolates... candy... teddy bears... it's all on sale. If you aren't in the Kroger holiday isle February 15th you're doing it wrong. I mean, you deserve it after all that Galentine's Day party planning you did, right?

5. Appreciate your stress-free day!
While couples are scrambling to pickup last minute flowers, crossing their fingers hoping the restaurant can squeeze in an extra table, and worrying whether or not their proposals will go as planned, you're enjoying an average Wednesday! It's just one less hassle you have to handle, and one less weight pressing down on your shoulders. 

Sidenote: Not being in a relationship at the moment does not affect your value as a person. Additionally, those in a relationship are not better than those without one! Understand that everything happens for a reason, and people come into your life when you most need them. I hope all of you have a fabulous Valentine's Day filled with kindness and joy, and remember: spread some love to your family, your friends, and yourself! xoxo.


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