9 Dead Giveaways You're From Fort Wayne, IN

Welcome back & happy Friday everyone! It's been quite a while since my previous post and a lot has happened since then - not only on a personal level, but within our country as well. There has been a significant amount of tension and fear amongst the American people whether it be from hurricane destruction, forest fires, the expiration of DACA, or Taylor Swift's disgusting new song (sorry, not funny). So it got me thinking. All sarcasm aside, if anything destructive were to happen to Fort Wayne, I would be crushed - literally & figuratively. Fort Wayne is where I was born and raised, where I rode my first bike, took ballet lessons, visited the zoo, met lifelong friends, and spent the majority of my childhood summers. Despite how frequently I complain about growing up in a small-town area, I wouldn't trade these memories and experiences for anything. For today's blog post, I've compiled a list of telltale signs that you grew up in Fort Wayne, IN, and just how important it is to appreciate the good life this town has gifted us with. *sidenote: please enjoy the selection of throwback pictures from my child as well 😊*

#1 The possibility of experiencing all four seasons in a single day.
Especially now on the border between summer and fall, it is nearly impossible to dress according to the weather. It could be 50 degrees and rainy in the morning, but come midday, it's skyrocketed to sunny and 70s. Obviously, Fort Wayne isn't the only city that can relate to this bipolar weather, but it sure does make the list.

#2 You know construction season far too well.
Not only does Fort Wayne undergo four distinct seasonal changes, we are lucky enough to live through a fifth: construction season. Between the months of March and November, construction signs & detour routes appear all over the city. Although the traffic and additional time can be quite the inconvenience, our city is always working towards improvement for the benefit of the community.

#3 Glenbrook & Jefferson Pointe was THE place to be on the weekends.
Nearly every single pre-teen within the city limits was to make an appearance with their posse at one or both of these locations. Whether it was to catch a movie at The Rave (RIP), spend all 6 dollars in your wallet on Starbucks frappucinos, or strut around the stores without parental supervision, these two locations played a major role in the lives of the middle school population.

#4 It's an unusual day when you don't hear a Fred Grote advertisement on the radio.
You cannot call yourself a Fort Wayne native if you have never heard of this legendary car salesman. While many have never actually visited his office between Lake & State on Coliseum, there's no doubt that he's a "dealer for the people!".

#5 Rise & Roll doughnuts.
Yeah this one's pretty self explanatory. Nothing else compares. Next!

#6 You take high school football very seriously.
'Friday Night Lights' is a real thing in Fort Wayne, regardless if you're passionate about the sport or not. Friends and family flock to stadiums all across the city to support their teams, and most likely, you where there cheering them on, too.

#7 You never pass up the opportunity to make it out to a festival.
Fort Wayne loves their summer/fall festivals, and so do the majority of its overweight citizens! There's a complete variety of events ranging from the celebration of Christmas trees, to honoring the beloved Johnny Appleseed, to Greek and German heritage appreciation. There is a good chance that half of your summer was spent waiting in line at Junk Food Alley, but apparently the chocolate covered strawberries were worth it.

#8 You always make an effort to visit downtown during the Christmas season.
Either it's a family tradition or a spur-of-the-moment occasion, downtown Fort Wayne seems to increase in numbers during the holiday season. Everyone knows that once the flick of the switch illuminates Santa's Sleigh on the PNC Bank building, it's time to break out the candy canes and snowman sweaters.

#9 You know the struggle of having a Friday night with nothing to do.
The weekly, "hey wanna hangout?" texts come pouring in after the 2:45 bell rings, but the response remains the same every time: "okay, what do you want to do?". BUT THAT'S THE CATCH. THERE ISN'T ANYTHING TO DO. You have the option to choose from a wide range of activities stemming from meeting to get coffee, meeting for dinner, or sharing Chinese takeout on your bedroom floor until 2 in the morning.

Thank you all for taking the time to read this ridiculous little post. If you related to any of the points made above or have a few to add of your own, go ahead & share this!
'Til next time,


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