7 Things We Need to Leave Behind in 2017

Well here it is, folks. We're finally hitting those last few days of the year, and a range of different emotions have probably began to consume your thoughts. Feelings of accomplishment, relief, or excitement for the upcoming year may be running through your head - whereas some of us tend to experience guilt, regret, and even uncertainty regarding the future around this time. I think we can all agree in several aspects that 2017 was not the best year. Rather than ripping apart every tragedy and global crisis that occurred over the past 365 days, I want this post to have a more positive affect. We need to address the bad, but not linger on it. We need to learn from our mistakes, but not blame others for creating them. We need to take responsibility for our actions, and then take action. For starters, let's reflect on this past year and bring our attention to the combined factors that made 2017 so difficult. Here are 7 things we are definitely leaving behind in 2017:

1) Toxic Relationships
Whether these ties are romantic, friendly, or familial, destructive relationships must stop now. I can't believe I actually have to say this one, but some people need a reminder. If you or someone you know is in a poisonous relationship with a significant other or group of friends, IT'S TIME TO LEAVE GIRLFRIEND. You deserve so much better than to be treated like garbage. If you are constantly being put down, insulted, or violated by another human being, why would you continue to stay connected to this person? Separate yourself from these people for you and your mental health.

2) Racism, Homophobia, Bigotry, etc.
Yeah, I'm sorry but if you can't see the evil in these qualities something is deeply wrong with you. We all share this planet whether you like it our not, and we were all put on this earth for a reason. I know, shocker. Additionally, no human was created to be subservient to another. For those of you who cannot process this information & need a visual representation, here is one of my favorite tweets to explain: 

3) Body Shaming
Everyone has their insecurities, and pointing others' out doesn't make yours go away. You don't know their backstory or their daily struggles, and they don't need a reminder about it either. Being brutally honest isn't necessary or funny, and it doesn't always mean that you care. Sidenote: skinny shaming is just as hurtful as fat shaming. So as a rule of thumb, just keep it to yourself 😊.

4) Denying Climate Change
I truly don't understand why some idiots attempt to reject the scientific evidence behind climate change. Just because you don't experience it firsthand doesn't mean it isn't happening elsewhere. Caring for the environment and being aware of how we're impacting it is crucial for longevity, human and animal health, and global advancements. We've put off "fixing the issue" for so long. It's time we open our eyes to the damage we've caused to our home and take responsibility in repairing it.

5) Waiting for Good Things to Happen to You
How many times have you sat anxiously waiting for that text notification, for that job to call back, for that friend to apologize, or even for that cute boy to notice you in the hallway? The answer is too long. Aren't you sick of it? You won't see any changes in your life unless you make them yourself. Two things could happen: either it works out, or it doesn't (and chances are if it didn't work out, it wasn't meant to be!). I don't know about you, but I'd rather regret the risks I did take than the ones I didn't. 

6) Holding Grudges
As a repeat offender, I personally can say that this one will be a full-year work in progress. I know, it's hard sometimes to forgive those who have hurt you so terribly in the past, and it seems almost impossible to move on from certain situations, but you'll thank yourself for it later. Instead of holding on to all of that negative energy, why not "forgive & forget"? It won't be easy, but it sure will be worth it. 

7) Saying Someone is "Trying Too Hard"
You wanna wear bright red lips & false eyelashes to school? Yes boo! You wanna get all A's and take difficult academic courses? Okay smartypants! You wanna work two jobs & make money so you can buy yourself something nice? You go girl! I'm so tired of a-holes bringing other people down because of their work ethic, their goals, their ambition. There's nothing wrong with trying, and there's no limit to it either. 

Though I could go on and on about this topic especially, I'll keep it to a minimum. Thanks again for tuning in to this blog post, and for being so supportive whenever I publish a new one. I hope the new year brings peace and positivity into all of your lives! 

Until next time, 


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