8 Obvious Reasons Why Fall is the Ultimate Season

Everyone has their favorite season. Whether it be the scorching heat of summer, the breathtaking flakes of white snow in the wintertime, or the blooming flowers of spring that please the senses, Fall always seems to be a crowd-pleaser come September. As soon as that first leaf loses it's green glow and separates from the tree, collectively, the American people store their shorts and flip-flops in the back of the closet to make room for warmer wear. So, why is that? Why as a society do we crave that Fall feeling, that indescribable sensation, that #mood? The answer is simple (as simple as 8 detailed descriptions can be) as to why exactly Fall is hands down the best time of the year. And, now that the cool temperature finally has arrived, this post seems so very fitting. Let's get into it!

#1. Fall Holidays
Autumn has some of the very best holidays falling under the months of September, October, & November. Halloween, being the most celebrated, is an ever-so-popular occasion both children and adults cannot wait to join in with the festivities. It's a perfect chance to eat piles of candy without feeling guilty, dress in fun and flirty costumes, label anything and everything as 'spooky', and watch nightmare-inducing horror films. Now, I didn't forget about good ole' Thanksgiving! In my opinion, no other holiday brings the family closer than Thanksgiving does. Traditions such as going around the table and sharing what you're thankful for, eating Grandma's famous pumpkin pie, after dinner family football, and sitting by the fire reminiscing on childhood memories are incomparable to any other get-together.

#2. Fall Fashion
I don't know about you, but nothing beats the styles, fits, and fabrics that hit the shelves come Fall. Comfy sweaters, fuzzy socks, knitted beanies and berets, heavy jackets, chunky boots, warmer tones, plaid scarves, loose turtlenecks.... shall I go on? Well, I already have in a previous blog. If you're interested in an updated version of that 2016 post, leave me a comment and I'll make sure to tackle that topic.

#3. Fall Scents
I'm still not quite sure how Yankee Candle hasn't endorsed me yet for practically buying out their entire inventory, but I guess I can wait on it. There's just something about coming home after a long day, or stepping out of a hot shower and immediately lighting an aromatic Fall candle. Maybe it's imagining that a Cinnamon Pecan Swirl™/Pumpkin Nutmeg Pie™ is actually steaming in front of your nose, or dreaming of standing beneath the crisp Autumn Leaves™on a chilly day that does the trick. (Be right back, all this talk has got me itching to light one!)

#4. Fall Weather
Though this year's weather has not been ideal, I am now convinced we've finally reached that happy medium between hot & cold temperatures. No more sweaty stains from summer heat or red noses from winter's chill, because Fall has that comfortable coolness everybody can enjoy. In addition to temperature, the leaves' color change is hands-down a sight you do not want to miss. From green, to yellow, to orange, to red, and finally descending as a speckled brown, no other seasonal transformation compares to that of Fall's.

#5. Fall Flavors
First of all, if you're not on 'team pumpkin', there's the door. I am a firm believer that Fall has some of the tastiest seasonal flavors on the market, and you're crazy if you think otherwise! I will forever be counting down the days until maple, cinnamon, apple pie, pumpkin, cider, butternut squash, chai, hazelnut, etc. finally make that comeback on menus across the city and in supermarkets.

#6. Fall Football
Whether you know nothing at all about the sport, or are the biggest fan out there, a little part of you lights up when football season comes around. Ranging from middle school, high school, college, and professional leagues, dedicating your evenings to these nail-bitting games is debatably the highlight of the year. ESPECIALLY WHEN YOUR SCHOOL IS A SECTIONAL CHAMP - SHOUTOUT TO THE LUERS TEAM FOR THAT WIN AGAINST CONCORDIA LAST NIGHT!

#7. Daylight Savings
Yeah, not really an explanation needed for this one, so I'll make it short. 10 times out of 10, waking up to a pitch black sky at 6:30 in the morning isn't the greatest feeling before school. God bless Daylight Savings for taking my irregular sleep schedule into consideration, and making my weekday mornings a little brighter starting November, 5th.

#8. Seasonal Activities
Curse the day all fun Fall activities come to an end! Personally, apple picking has always been a requirement I must meet before Fall ends. If you get the chance, I highly recommend visiting an orchard in the future to buy, taste, or pluck a few from the branch to add to your autumn experience. For a more laid-back activity, pumpkin carving still serves as a creative and messy way to spend time with your friends and family over the holidays. Just grab some girlfriends, a few pumpkins, a couple carving knives, a stack of newspapers for easy cleanup, and you're good to go!

Thank you all for tuning into today's blog post! It means the world to me knowing that I have people reading & supporting my work, no matter how ridiculous it may be :-) I hope this little piece helped ease you in the Fall mood, and feel free to share this post with anyone who needs some inspiration this season. Hugs and kisses, savedbythebelle ♡


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