How To Develop A Brand For Yourself

Well hello again! I know it's been a while (two months to be exact) since my last post, but I've been in a bit of a creative slump lately. I fell victim to summer laziness & spent more time by the pool than I did with a pen and paper... oops 😁. Now I am back & ready to get in some sort of routine and force myself to be productive again. Like I had mentioned earlier, I've been experiencing sort of a writer's block. I've been feeling very complacent and uninspired recently, and having a pretty flexible schedule has made those effects even worse. As I have been preparing for college with campus visits and applications, I've had multiple realizations - one of those being what occupation I'd like to pursue. It's taken me about a year to completely narrow down my options and focus in on which path would ultimately lead me to a successful career, and I think I've finally got it figured out. So, for all you old people that keep pestering me at family events on what my future has in store for me, this one's for you! Considering my love for writing, social media, marketing, and journalism, I have decided that Public Relations is the right fit for me. Now with that out in the open, I'm finally done talking about myself... let's get into today's topic. If you are interested in creating a brand for yourself, or simply just stepping up your public image/social media game, pay close attention. This is a subject I feel very passionate about, and I feel that I have taught myself a great deal about this skill by experiencing it firsthand. So, here are 4 helpful tips I've picked up throughout the years. Enjoy!

1) Instagram
Instagram is one of the fastest growing social media networks out there, with branding and marketing opportunities on every page, an engaged community, a place where celebrities can interact with fans, a tool for artists to showcase their abilities, and a hub where products can be purchased with a simple double tap. To curate a gorgeous feed & to stand out among the rest, keep in mind the three V's: vibe, variety, and voice (yes, I created that phrase myself 😏).
Vibe- What is your style? How do you want others to feel when they view your profile? What is your color scheme? Do you have one?
Variety- Your page cannot be all food photos, all selfies, all nature shots, all dog pics, etc. There needs to be diversity in your feed to keep your audience interested and in anticipation for your next post.
Voice- What message do you want to send to your followers? What reaction kind do you want from the photo? Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words, so tell a story.

2) Business
If you aren't aware, within the past year I have created a photography business in which I typically take photos for seniors in high school, but have done some other work as well. It wasn't easy putting myself out there for others to critique, but I did it anyways! Early on I had discovered that developing an account on social media ( was a huge step in the right direction in order to broadcast my work to others. After a few months, I felt it was time to design an informational flier to distribute to prospective clients. This is when business really started to kick in. If you want people to remember you and suggest your business to friends, having a visual component is key. This way, samples of my photos were shown, contact information was easily seen, and it presented the professional image I was striving for.

3) Put Yourself Out There
Money doesn't come easy, though we all wish it did. You cannot sit idly-by waiting for people to come to you, you have to promote yourself as well. Attend workshops, shake hands & swap business cards at events, learn from the experts, MAKE CONNECTIONS, and stay humble.

4) There's Always Room For Improvement
Congratulations, you had a great year! Now, what are you going to do to make next year even better? You can always generate a bigger audience, you can always improve quality, you can always be more organized. Whatever it is you're passionate about, work hard at it! Success isn't going to happen overnight, and it won't happen unless you put forward the effort as well. Stay creative, stay innovative, stay motivated!

Thanks for reading the blog, everyone! Your support means more than you know.


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