How To Develop A Brand For Yourself

Well hello again! I know it's been a while (two months to be exact) since my last post, but I've been in a bit of a creative slump lately. I fell victim to summer laziness & spent more time by the pool than I did with a pen and paper... oops 😁. Now I am back & ready to get in some sort of routine and force myself to be productive again. Like I had mentioned earlier, I've been experiencing sort of a writer's block. I've been feeling very complacent and uninspired recently, and having a pretty flexible schedule has made those effects even worse. As I have been preparing for college with campus visits and applications, I've had multiple realizations - one of those being what occupation I'd like to pursue. It's taken me about a year to completely narrow down my options and focus in on which path would ultimately lead me to a successful career, and I think I've finally got it figured out. So, for all you old people that keep pestering me at famil...