5 Life Mottos to Live By

Welcome back, everyone! For this blog entry, I've decided to take a more serious route (quite different from my previous uploads, but we'll see how it goes). Fortunately, the end of the school year is coming to a close & those who were once seniors in high school will make their first big leap out into the real world. I know this may seem strange (coming from someone who still has one year left to get her life together), but I've been thinking quite a lot lately about what kind of person I want to be and what impact I want to make on the world. This past year hasn't been the easiest on me in terms of balancing school, social life, work, private matters, family, and several other obstacles too personal to share. I know, woe is me. Although there have been several occasions where it seems that the mountain is too steep to climb, I have always had friends & family by my side, supporting me all the way. I feel incredibly grateful to have been blessed with individuals that not only have my back when I need them most, but know me better than I know myself, and can steer me down the right path when I get off track. I've gained a lot of close friends this year, but I've also lost a few in the process. Like the infamous Kylie Jenner once said, "This year is really about, just the year of like realizing stuff", and I feel like I've done just that. I've come to realize who's in it for the long run, and who's in it for themselves. What matters in the end, and what is temporary. When the right time is, and when it's not. In this blog entry, I want to share just a few life lessons that have helped shape who I am today - things I think should be shared with the people I care most about (yes, you!). I am not, in any way, trying to come off as arrogant. After conversing with several friends regarding future plans, stress levels, and lack of ambition, I've decided now is a pretty great time to ease some worries. So, without further adieu, here are 5 life mottos to live by.

1) "If it's not going to matter five years from now, don't spend more than five minutes upset by it"
For myself, this is something that's taken years to understand. I consider myself a perfectionist (but to be honest, who doesn't these days), and find it very difficult to move on to another task when the one at hand does not meet my expectations. I feel as though many people today create unnecessary anxiety over matters they can't control, and base many decisions they make on how it'll effect the present rather than the future. In high school especially, every little problem can feel like the end of the world. Sometimes reality checks are necessary, and through this quote, it's helped me to realize that many things I stress over are temporary. Instead, it's caused me to take everything into perspective and understand that my "problems" are inconsequential and unimportant in the grand scheme of it all.

2) "The most reliable way to predict the future is to create it"
I hear countless of people my age complain about their future goals, how life isn't going the way it's ought to, or how opportunity isn't falling on their doorstep like it should. From past experience, I've come to realize that YOU yourself need to make opportunity come to you, not the other way around. If you want something done, you have to do it yourself. Stop expecting things to get easier, and stop being complacent with where you're at! I know, it's easier said than done, but the first step toward change is always the hardest.

3) "Don't lower your standards to accommodate those who refuse to raise theirs"
From my perspective, this is one of the hardest things for people to understand and accept. Many don't like to hear that what they're doing is wrong, and trying to explain this to someone can get come across as insulting. In my opinion, there are two different types of people: givers and takers. A giver is someone that will dedicate their life to please others, while a taker finds satisfaction in pleasing themselves. In a relationship scenario, the taker tends to take advantage of the giver, leaving the giver feeling as though they don't amount to anything. I hope you all are smart enough to realize that there is fault in both of these individuals. Don't settle for mediocre. Don't let people walk all over you. If someone doesn't meet your expectations and treat you the way you should, let them go!

4) "Regret nothing"
I'm not going to spend too long going into detail on this one, considering it's pretty self explanatory. In life, you are bound to make mistakes... that's how humans operate. What sets you apart from others is how you develop from your mistakes and learn to grow because of them. You cannot change the past, but you can change the future. Instead of spending the short amount of time on this earth wishing you could've have done something differently, think about the life lessons you've learned in the process, and what changes you're going to make next time when faced with the same dilemma.

5) "Enjoy the moment"
Although technology has been a wonderful gift to society, especially in the communications field, there are a few downsides to this advancement. One major issue I'd like to mention involves the obsession and addiction with cellular devices. In today's day and age, it's almost impossible to find someone who does not own a cell phone of some sort, whether it be an iPhone or an old school flip phone. In fact, around 7.2 billion mobile devices have been labeled "active" at this very moment. Due to the obscene amount of cell phone owners, children and adults are able to keep in touch with their friends, do homework, check emails, post photos, watch TV shows, and even "tweet" their feelings at any given time. Because people can't seem to put their phones down (guilty), they tend to miss out on experiences and moments that are irreplaceable. More often than not, I've come across families sitting down for dinner, friends meeting for coffee, even young children on vacation who have to be constantly entertained by their phones. To me, this quote reminds me that although photos and statuses capture the scene, feelings, stories, and memories can last a lifetime.

Once again, thank you all for reading today's post! I hope these quotes/mottos help lift your spirits or even open your eyes to start living the life you deserve. Xoxo.


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