
Introduction ↠

           Happy Sunday everyone! I'm sorry that it's taken me so long to compose this first blog post, but this weekend has been quite hectic to say the least. It seemed as though the universe had been working against me in every way possible, and I'm just happy to have come out alive. But enough about that - let's get into what this post is really about!
           I am extremely excited to have created this blog, and the support people have been giving me elevates that feeling by 100%. I was very reluctant to begin publishing my thoughts online at first. I had the notion that people would judge me, criticize my opinions, and even call me pretentious. It took me almost a year to realize that these kind of people are irrelevant and not worth my time. You can't always please everybody, but you can do what makes you happy (cheesy, I know). So with that being said, I'd like to thank the people who took the time to vote in the poll on what kind of material you would like to see on here! It really helped me receive insight on the kind of vibe this website will have. Most people voted for fashion, photography, and lifestyle topics, so I guarantee those will be the majority of posts on here. I also feel that pop culture & current events play a major role in our everyday lives, so do not be surprised if you see a few entries regarding those subjects here and there. 
           Once again, I'd like to thank everyone who has really encouraged and supported me about this! I'm not exactly sure where this blog is going or where it will end up, but as of now I feel like I'm on the right path. All I ask from my viewers (all 14 of you lol), is that you keep an open mind while on here. I may not be the best writer/blogger/journalist, but I will work hard to present the best version of myself to you! *Sidenote: most entries will not be this short. I didn't think this was a topic that needed an in-depth analysis or explanation, so I just hit the highlights. I hope you all have a fantastic rest of your Sunday, and a productive week ahead of you. Stay tuned for the next post sometime in the upcoming week, because I'll be publishing something that I'm really passionate about & I think you guys will enjoy it. 
xx. Belle


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