9 Dead Giveaways You're From Fort Wayne, IN

Welcome back & happy Friday everyone! It's been quite a while since my previous post and a lot has happened since then - not only on a personal level, but within our country as well. There has been a significant amount of tension and fear amongst the American people whether it be from hurricane destruction, forest fires, the expiration of DACA, or Taylor Swift's disgusting new song (sorry, not funny). So it got me thinking. All sarcasm aside, if anything destructive were to happen to Fort Wayne, I would be crushed - literally & figuratively. Fort Wayne is where I was born and raised, where I rode my first bike, took ballet lessons, visited the zoo, met lifelong friends, and spent the majority of my childhood summers. Despite how frequently I complain about growing up in a small-town area, I wouldn't trade these memories and experiences for anything. For today's blog post, I've compiled a list of telltale signs that you grew up in Fort Wayne, IN, and just how...